Valentines are delighted to offer to let this commercial property which is set in the heart of West Kirby and is a short walk to the Promenade. Main front office with a door through to another room/storage, fitted kitchen and WC, double glazing. Viewing is essential to appreciate the location.
Reception 1 9.63m (31'7) x 2.95m (9'8)
Double glazed window to the front aspect, laminate flooring.
Reception 2 4.14m (13'7) x 2.95m (9'8)
Window to the side Aspect, Laminate floor.
Reception 3 2.84m (9'4) x 3m (9'10)
Tiled Flooring.
Modern fitted base units with contrasting work tops, space for fridge, tiled flooring.
Low level WC and pedestal wash hand basin, tiled floor