4 Bedroom Detached to rent in West Hampstead, NW6
Berridge Mews, London, NW6£1350 pw
£1350 pw
A unique low built, larger than average home within this gated development, which has been extended to create a beautiful four bedroom, two storey modern house offering 1,991 sq ft /185 sq of accommodation. Offering one of the largest gardens within the development of approx 64', integral garage and a further off street parking space. Berridge Mews is conveniently located for the shopping and transport amenities of West Hampstead (Jubilee line).
IMPORTANT NOTICE - In accordance with the Property Misdescriptions Act (1991) we have prepared these sales particulars as a general guide. They are not intended to constitute any part of an offer or contract. We have not carried out a detailed survey, nor tested the services, appliances and specified fittings. All measurements, photographs, floor plans and distances mentioned are given as a guide and should not be relied upon for the purchase of carpets or any other fixtures and fittings. Details of lease, service charge and ground rent are given as a guide only and should be checked by your solicitor prior to exchange of contracts.