Spacious three-bedroom property, being one of four having the benefit of UPVC double-glazing and gas fired central heating throughout. Outside are gardens to the front and rear aspects with rear garden store.
The property is to be let on a six month Assured Shorthold Tenancy Agreement at a rental of £475 per calendar month with a £475 deposit payable at the commencement of the Tenancy.
Half glazed entrance door, double radiator, centre light point, smoke alarm, staircase off, understairs store, telephone point.
* LIVING ROOM: 4.5m x 3.25m (14' 9" x 10' 8")
(maximum), three UPVC double-glazed windows to rear aspect, wall mounted gas fire, single radiator, centre light point set in ceiling rose, two built-in store cupboards, power points.
* KITCHEN: 4.02m x 2.78m (13' 2" x 9' 1")
(maximum measurement) excellent range of base units comprising cupboards and drawers having work surfaces over, inset stainless steel sink unit with mixer tap above, cooker point, extractor fan over, tiled splashbacks, matching wall cupboards, double radiator, two UPVC double-glazed windows to front aspect, beech effect cushion flooring, plumbing for dishwasher, built-in pantry, built-in store housing meters, centre light point power points
* UTILITY ROOM: 2.78m x 1.43m (9' 1" x 4' 8")
plumbing for automatic washing machine and tumble dryer work surfaces over, storage cupboard beneath, Baxi wall mounted gas fired central heating boiler (combination), fitted coat hooks, centre light point, UPVC stable door to rear aspect, beech effect cushion flooring, centre light point, power points.
Wall light point, loft access, smoke alarm, power point.
* MASTER BEDROOM: 3.46m x 3.8m (11' 4" x 12' 6")
UPVC double-glazed window to front aspect, single radiator, centre light point incorporating fan, walk-in wardrobe having hanging rail and fixed shelving, wall light point, power points.
* BEDROOM TWO: 4.74m x 2.66m (15' 7" x 8' 9")
UPVC double-glazed window to rear aspect, single radiator, centre light point, power points, two double wardrobes.
* BEDROOM THREE: 2.65m x 2.41m (8' 8" x 7' 11")
(maximum measurement), UPVC double-glazed window to front aspect, single radiator, centre light point, power points.
White suite comprising panelled bath having Triton T80R electric shower fitment over, pedestal wash hand basin, low-level W.C., part tiled walls, single radiator, UPVC double-glazed window to rear aspect, single radiator, centre light point.
To the rear of the property is a concrete path leading to concrete and corrugated STORE SHED, 3.42 m. (11`3") x 1.88 m. (6'2"), gated access to garden comprising lawns with adjoining well-stocked borders. Pedestrian access through entry leading to front garden, which consists of paved path and patio.
Mains water, electricity and drainage are connected.
Gas fired central heating.
Band 'A' (Staffordshire Moorlands District Council).
Strictly by appointment with Whittaker & Biggs.
Should you wish to make an application to take this property, please call into our Leek Branch where you will be given an application form to complete. Upon completing the form, an administration fee of £60.00 will be required in order for your application to be processed. You are also required to provide a current employers reference.
International Credit Checks are also now available for non UK resident tenants at a cost of £70.00.