Three Bedroom mid townhouse ideally situated on the outskirts of the town.
Benefiting from en suite and family bathroom, cloakroom, Breakfast Kitchen, Living Room with French doors on to patio area.
Available Early July 2013
The property is to be let on a six month Assured Shorthold Tenancy Agreement at a rental of £550.00 per calendar month with a £550.00 deposit payable at the commencement of the tenancy.
Having Cloakroom off incorporating low level W.C., and wash hand basin, UPVC double glazed window to front aspect with half tiled walls.
* KITCHEN: 4.09m x 2.59m (13' 5" x 8' 6")
excellent range of units comprising base cupboards and drawers, plumbing for automatic washing machine. Work surfaces over with inset one and a half bowl sink unit having chrome mixer tap above. Brushed chrome four ring gas hob with electric brushed chrome oven beneath. Extractor fan over in brushed chrome canopy, understairs store, UPVC double glazed window to front aspect, power points.
* LIVING ROOM: 5.16m x 3.52m (16' 11" x 11' 7")
having UPVC double glazed window to rear aspect, double doors to rear aspect leading to patio area, television aerial point, telephone point, power points, staircase off.
Having staircase off, overstairs store cupboard off, Airing Cupboard off.
* MASTER BEDROOM: 3.06m x 3.52m (10' x 11' 7")
having UPVC double glazed window to rear aspect, centre light point, television aerial point, telephone point, power points.
Housing fully tiled large shower cubicle with shower fitment above, low level W.C., wash hand basin.
* BEDROOM TWO: 3.06m x 2.98m (10' x 9' 9")
having UPVC double glazed window to front aspect, television aerial point, telephone point, power points.
* BEDROOM THREE: 1.98m x 2.39m (6' 6" x 7' 10")
having UPVC double glazed window to rear aspect, television aerial point, telephone point, power points.
* BATHROOM: 1.98m x 1.8m (6' 6" x 5' 11")
housing white contemporary suite comprising bath having chrome mixer tap over with bath screen, wash hand basin having chrome mixer tap, low level W.C., part tiled walls, inset halogen downlighters in chrome surround, extractor fan, UPVC double glazed window to front aspect
The property is approached from Badnall Street over a tarmacadem path, off road parking, garden to front aspect. To the rear aspect is patio area accessed from the Living Room.
All mains services are connected. Gas fired central heating.
Band 'B' Staffordshire Moorlands District Council
Should you wish to make an application to take this property, please call into our Leek Branch where you will be given an application form to complete. Upon completing the form, an administration fee of £60.00 will be required in order for your application to be processed. You are also required to provide a current employers reference.
International Credit Checks are also now available for non UK resident tenants at a cost of £70.00.