LOUNGE: 16'7 x 15'2- intercom system, ceramic tiled floor, door to lobby
LOBBY: Ceramic tiled floor, door to cloakroom, door to kitchen
CLOAKROOM: Ceramic tiled floor, fully tiled walls, wall mounted hand basin, low level WC & heated towel rail.Ceramic tiled floor, storage cupboard housing boiler and Mega Flow system. Open plan to kitchen
KITCHEN: 12'5 x 15'2- Oven/cooker/extractor hood. Sky lights, door to garden
FIRST FLOOR: Landing with stairs to second floor
BEDROOM 1: 10'0 x 15'2- Radiator
BEDROOM 2: 13'8 x 15'2- Radiator
BATHROOM/WC: Ceramic tiled floor, fully tiled walls, hand basin, Low Level WC, heated towel rail, panel bath with mixer taps and shower attachment, extractor fan
BEDROOM 3: 15'11 (into bay) x 12'0- Radiator, door to en-suite
EN-SUITE: Ceramic tiled floor, fully tiled walls, hand basin with pedestal, Low Level WC, panel bath with mixer taps and shower attachment, heated towel rail, extractor fan
FRONT GARDEN: Off street parking
REAR GARDEN: Approximately 50' slab with paved area and lawn area.