3 Bedroom Property to rent in Slough, SL1
Royston Way, Burnham, Slough, SL1£1350 pcm
£1350 pcm
* THREE BEDROOM DETACHED BUNGALOW * 2 bathrooms * large rear garden * 5 minute walk to Burnham Train station (Main Paddington Line) * driveway parking for numerous vehicles * offered unfurnished * AVAILABLE 26TH MAY 2015* call now to book a viewing*
A large 3 bedroom bungalow, situated in a popular road in Burnham. The property features, 2 reception rooms, large kitchen/diner, 2 bathrooms, gas central heating and a large private garden. The property is situated very close to Burnham Train Station, local shops and schools and is a short drive to the M4 junction 7.The property is offered unfurnished and is available from 26th May 2015.
1:MONEY LAUNDERING REGULATIONS - Intending purchasers will be asked to produce identification documentation at a later stage and we would ask for your co-operation in order that there will be no delay in agreeing the sale2: These particulars do not constitute part or all of an offer or contract.3: The measurements indicated are supplied for guidance only and as such must be considered incorrect.4: Cameron King has not tested any apparatus, equipment, fixtures, fittings or services and it is in the buyers interests to check the working condition of any appliances.5: Cameron King has not sought to verify the legal title of the property and the buyers must obtain verification from their solicitor.