An attractive 3 bedroom family home situated in the popular location of Knightwood Park. This property is within Thornden Schools' Catchment.
Porch, Hallway, Cloakroom, Sitting room, Dining room, Kitchen, Family room, 3 Bedrooms � master with ensuite, Bathroom, Garage and Gardens.
* No smokers * No pets.
ENTRANCE Double glazed front door to entrance.
HALLWAY, doors to cloakroom and also sitting room.
SITTING ROOM 13'4" x 14'2" window overlooking the front aspect and an arch leading to the dining room, there is also a door to the kitchen and stairs leading to the first floor.
KITCHEN 11'9" x 8'10" Beautiful kitchen, good range of wall and floor units, a stainless steel sink and drainer, a fitted electric double oven, a gas hob with extractor hood over, freestanding fridge/freezer, under counter washing machine, under counter dishwasher, leads through to a family room.
FAMILY ROOM 10'4"x 9'4" open plan to the kitchen velux windows creating light but also windows overlooking the garden and french doors to the garden.
BEDROOM 1 11'9" x 9'5" overlooking rear aspect, sliding mirror wardrobes built in and also en-suite.
ENSUITE consists of a shower cubicle, wash hand basin and low level WC, there is a obscured window to the side and also an extractor fan.
BEDROOM 2 11'8" x 8'7" overlooking front aspect, fitted mirror wardrobe.
BEDROOM 3 9'5" x 7'5" (max) laminate flooring.
BATHROOM comprises a neutral suite with low level WC, wash hand basin, panel bath with mixer tap and shower attachment, partially tiled, obscured window to the rear.
LANDING two cupboards, one is for storage with shelving and the other is the airing cupboard.
OUTSIDE Front garden :- lawn with driveway for two cars leading to front door and garage access.
Rear garden:- approached via a side gate. Decked area, Mainly lawn with a further decked area to the rear of the garden, stream running through the garden enclosed with a fence.
GARAGE, up and over door.
TV points: Sitting room, Bedroom 1 and family room.
Terrestrial TV aerial Yes
Sky dish Yes
Smoke alarms Yes
Security Alarm No Broadband - subject to connection
* Knightwood Primary school and St Francis CE Primary school
* Secondary School:- Thornden School