2 Bedroom Property to rent in Llanelli, SA14
Clos Y Deri, Dafen, Llanelli, SA14£430 pcm
£430 pcm
AVAILABLE FROM 28/10/2014 To let. Unfurnished two bedroom end link in cul de sac location. Benefits include off road parking, gas central heating, larger than average rear garden. essential
AVAILABLE FROM 28/10/2014 To let. Unfurnished two bedroom end link in cul de sac location. Benefits include off road parking, gas central heating, larger than average rear garden. essentialYou may download, store and use the material for your own personal use and research. You may not republish, retransmit, redistribute or otherwise make the material available to any party or make the same available on any website, online service or bulletin board of your own or of any other party or make the same available in hard copy or in any other media without the website owner's express prior written consent. The website owner's copyright must remain on all reproductions of material taken from this website.