The site has a frontage to Chell Heath Road and forms part of a larger site which has been developed to form four large three bedroom properties. The site has planning consent for 5 three bedroom properties, two semi-detached and three mews houses identical in layout. The properties will have gardens to the front and rear, with vehicular access from Chell Heath Road and dedicated and dedicated parking to the rear accessed from Moorlands View. This parking area has already been laid out and stone surfaced and mains water pipes and drainage and electricity cables are already installed and ready for connection.Outline planning granted 25th November 2008, detailed planning granted by a decision notice 25th March 2013. Site area 1,164 sq m 1,392 sq yd.The planning consent for the properties is attached to the particulars and any enquiries on this should be addressed to Stoke on Trent City Council.