Agent details

This property is listed with:
Ranson UK Ltd
Suite 11 Ensign House, Admirals Way, E14 9XQ

Full Details for Property for sale in Plaistow, E13 :

This is an excellent opportunity to purchase an established A1, domestic retail unit situated close to the A13, various bus routes and Barking Road. The area is currently going through regeneration and development with even house prices set to rise in the near future. The premises requires some work but is priced competitively for its location.

The property comprises of the commercial shop floor with rear yard, loft, toilet and basement and further boasts a residential unit above consisting of 6 rooms.


Shop Floor:
Width: Approximately 15 ft
Length: Approximately 23 ft
Total: Approximately 345 sq ft

Width: Approximately 15 ft
Length: Approximately 21 ft
Total: Approximately 315 sq ft

Width: Approximately 2 ft
Length: Approximately 6 ft
Total: Approximately 12 sq ft

Width: Approximately 13 ft
Length: Approximately 11 ft
Total: Approximately 143 sq ft

Total accommodation size: App 1,828 sq ft

Legal Fees/Cost
Each party are to bear their own legal cost

All interested parties are encouraged to make their own enquiries with London Borough of Newham

By Prior Appointment through sole selling agents Ranson UK LTD.
Email: 0207 538 4057

DisclaimerRanson UK Limited their clients and any joint agents give notice that:1. They have no authority to make or give any representations or warranties in relation to the property. These particulars do not form part of any offer or contract and must not be relied upon as statements or representations of fact.

2. Any areas, measurements or distances are approximate. The text, photographs and plans are for guidance only and are not necessarily comprehensive. It should not be assumed that the property has all necessary planning, building regulation or other consents and Ranson UK Limited have not tested any services, equipment or facilities. Purchasers must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise

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House Prices for houses sold in E13 8RH