5 Bedroom Property for sale in Slough, SL1
Brook Path, Slough, SL1£550,000
*** LARGE 5 BEDROOM DETACHED FAMILY HOME *** 2 HOUSES IN 1 *** Two Living Rooms *** Two Dining Rooms *** Two Kitchens *** Two Bathrooms *** 5 Double Bedrooms *** Parking for numerous cars *** 0.5 mile to Burnham Station *** Immaculately Presented *** Located in the Heart of Cippenham Village *** Internal Viewings Highly Recommended
A truly individual five bedroom detached family home situated in the heart of Cippenham Village, set back within a small cul-de-sac and conveniently located within a short walk to Burnham station, as well as local shops, retail parks and all Cippenham schools. This property is presented to an immaculate standard throughout, with large light and spacious rooms offering enough space to house up to two families! Main features include - Two Living Rooms, Two Dining Rooms, Two Kitchens, Two Bathrooms, 5 Double Bedrooms, parking for numerous cars and a short distance/walk (0.5 miles) to Burnham Station. We strongly recommend an internal viewing to fully appreciate how much this property offers.
Opening up into small entrance porch which leads into hallway.
Stairs to first floor, doors to kitchen 1 and living room 1. Under stairs storage cupboard. Radiator, BT point and power points.
Dual aspect double glazed windows, power points, tv point, bt point, radiator, coved ceiling, double glazed patio doors to rear garden.
Ceramic tile flooring, door to rear garden, wall and base kitchen units, laminated roll top work surfaces, rear aspect double glazed window, electric cooker point, splash back tiles, space for fridge freezer, plumbing for washing machine, single drainer sink unit with mixer tap.
Side aspect double glazed window, doors to bedrooms 1-3, door to bathroom.
Cupboard housing emersion tank, radiator, front aspect double glazed window, coved ceiling, power points.
Front aspect double glazed window, power points, radiator, coved ceiling.
Rear aspect double glazed window, power points, radiator, coved ceiling, laminate wood flooring.
Front aspect double glazed window, power points, radiator, coved ceiling.
Rear aspect double glazed window, power points, radiator, coved ceiling, built in wardrobes with mirrored sliding doors.
Panel Bath with mixer tap, electric shower, splash back tiles, rear aspect double glazed frosted window, pedestal wash hand basin, low level flush toilet, radiator, lino flooring, access to loft space (partially boarded).
Double glazed frosted window, pedestal wash hand basin, low level flush toilet, heated towel rail, laminate wood flooring, part tiled with decorative border and scattered motif, coved ceiling, extractor fan.
Access to loft space, radiator, power points, airing cupboard housing hot water tank and storage space.
Radiator, power points, coved ceiling, rear aspect double glazed window, tv point, bt point.
Radiator, power points, coved ceiling, front aspect double glazed window.
Doors to rear garden, rear aspect double glazed window, power points, radiator, wall and base kitchen units, laminated roll top work surfaces, electric cooker point, splash back tiles, space for fridge freezer, plumbing for washing machine, single drainer sink unit with mixer tap.
Long driveway providing off street parking for up to 4 vehicles, enclosed by various trees and shrubs.
Attractive rear garden, manly laid to lawn with patio area, ideal for garden furniture.
1:MONEY LAUNDERING REGULATIONS - Intending purchasers will be asked to produce identification documentation at a later stage and we would ask for your co-operation in order that there will be no delay in agreeing the sale2: These particulars do not constitute part or all of an offer or contract.3: The measurements indicated are supplied for guidance only and as such must be considered incorrect.4: Cameron King has not tested any apparatus, equipment, fixtures, fittings or services and it is in the buyers interests to check the working condition of any appliances.5: Cameron King has not sought to verify the legal title of the property and the buyers must obtain verification from their solicitor.