Entrance via composite double doors to
SPACIOUS ENTRANCE HALL Double glazed side panel window to the front aspect. Stairs to the first floor accommodation. Under stairs storage cupboard. Airing cupboard. Master control for ground floor and first floor under floor heating. Plastered ceiling. Spot lights.
GROUND FLOOR CLOAKROOM Inset hand wash basin with vanity storage below. Low level WC. Tiled splash backs. Heated towel rail.
STUDY 12' 3" x 8' 3" (3.73m x 2.51m) Double glazed windows to the front and to the side aspects. Plastered ceiling. Spot lights. Thermostat.
BEDROOM FIVE 13' x 12' 3" (3.96m x 3.73m) Double glazed double opening doors to the rear garden. Plastered ceiling. Spot lights. Thermostat.
EN SUITE Obscure double glazed window to the side aspect. Inset hand wash basin with vanity storage. Shower enclosure. Low level WC. Tiled splash backs. Heated towel rail. Plastered ceiling. Spot lights.
LOUNGE 29' 2" x 28' narrowing to 23' 3" (8.89m x 8.53m narrowing to 7.09m) Floor to ceiling double glazed window to the side aspect. Double glazed double opening doors to the rear garden. Feature 'hanging' fireplace. TV point. Tiled floor. Plastered ceiling. Spot lights. Thermostat.
DINING ROOM 14' 7" x 14' (4.44m x 4.27m) Double glazed double opening doors to the front aspect. Tiled floor. Plastered ceiling. Spot lights. Thermostat.
L SHAPED KITCHEN 19' 3" x 15' 2" (5.87m x 4.62m) narrowing to 9' 5" x 8' 10" (2.87m x 2.69m) Double glazed windows to the rear and side aspects. Modern range of fitted units to base and eye level. Centre Island with base units and integrated wine chiller. Granite work surfaces. Tiled splash backs. Inset double ceramic Butler sink. Integrated Rangemaster cooker with extractor hood above. Integrated dish washer. Integrated fridge. Integrated fridge/freezer. Plastered ceiling. Spot lights. Thermostat.
UTILITY ROOM 14' 7" x 9' 3" narrowing to 6' 8" (4.44m x 2.82m narrowing to 2.03m) Double glazed windows to the front and to the side aspects. Double glazed door to the side. Range of base and eye level units. Ceramic sink drainer unit. Tiled splash backs. Storage cupboard housing boiler and water softener. Cupboard housing thermostat control. Space and plumbing for washing machine. Tiled floor. Plastered ceiling. Spot lights.
GALLARIED LANDING OVERLOOKING LOUNGE & HALL Double glazed window to the front aspect. Alarm control panel. Plastered ceiling. Spot lights. Thermostat.
MASTER BEDROOM 21' 5" x 12' 6" (6.53m x 3.81m) Double glazed window to the side aspect. Double glazed double opening doors to balcony overlooking rear with stairs down to the garden. Phone point. Panic button. Plastered ceiling. Spot lights. Thermostat.
WALK-IN DRESSING ROOM 15' 9" x 9' 2" (4.8m x 2.79m) Double glazed window to the front aspect. Plastered ceiling. Spot lights. Thermostat.
EN SUITE Double glazed windows to the front and to the side aspects. Freestanding bath. Separate shower cubicle. Wash hand basin with mixer tap. Low level WC. Tiled floor. Plastered ceiling. Spot lights.
BEDROOM TWO 15' 8" x 12' 5" narrowing to 9' 2" (4.78m x 3.78m narrowing to 2.79m) Double glazed window to the front aspect. Storage cupboard. TV point. Plastered ceiling. Spot lights. Thermostat.
BEDROOM THREE 13' narrowing to 9' 10" x 12' 7" (3.96m narrowing to 3m x 3.84m) Double glazed window to the rear aspect. Storage cupboard. Plastered ceiling. Spot lights. Thermostat.
BEDROOM FOUR 13' narrowing to 9' 9"x 12' 7" (3.96m narrowing to 2.97m x 3.84m) Double glazed window to the front aspect. TV point. Plastered ceiling. Spot lights. Thermostat.
FAMILY BATHROOM Obscure double glazed window to the front aspect. Panelled bath with overhead shower attachment. Separate shower enclosure. Inset wash hand basin with vanity storage. Low level WC. Storage cupboard. Tiled floor. Plastered ceiling. Spot lights.
EXTERIOR The REAR GARDEN is secluded and has a vast selection of mature trees and shrubs. Feature pond. Secret garden. SHED, with electric and water. SUMMERHOUSE, double glazed double opening doors and double glazed windows to the front aspect. HEATED SALTWATER OUTDOOR SWIMMING POOL.
POOL HOUSE. Double glazed door to the front aspect. Bi fold double glazed doors to the side. Gas, water and electric and housing pumps for pool.
LOUNGE 22' 2" x 14' 1" (6.76m x 4.29m) TV point. Coved cornice to plastered ceiling. Spot lights. Thermostat.
KITCHEN AREA 7' 4" x 9' 5" (2.24m x 2.87m) Double glazed window to the front aspect. Range of base and eye level units. Tiled splash backs. Ceramic sink drainer unit. Integrated cooker and hob with overhead extractor fan. Integrated dish washer. Integrated wine chiller. American fridge/freezer, to remain. Coved cornice to plastered ceiling.
WET ROOM Obscure double glazed window to the rear aspect. Wash hand basin with vanity storage. Shower enclosure. Low level WC. Heated towel rail. Coved cornice to plastered ceiling. Spot lights.
The FRONT of the property is surrounded by LED lighting and is set back from the road by approximately 300ft. Lawn area with mature trees. Driveway providing parking for numerous vehicles which in turn leads to DOUBLE LENGTH GARAGE with electric up and over doors, double glazed window and door to the side aspect, power, lighting, plastered ceiling, radiator. Outside hot and cold water tap.
AGENTS NOTE: The property has concrete flooring to the ground and first floor with under floor heating to both. Rayco Intelligent lighting system and iPhone lighting enabling the lighting to be controlled by an iPhone.