4 Bedroom Property for sale in Trowbridge, BA14
Hill Street, Hilperton, Trowbridge, BA14£299,995
*NO ONWARD CHAIN* This remarkable sized four bedroom detached property offers an exceptional opportunity to modernise and update throughout. The accommodation comprises a storm porch, entrance hall, spacious lounge, family bathroom, kitchen, large utility room and a shower room. On the first floor four excellent sized bedrooms and a separate W.C. Further benefits to the property include Upvc double glazing, garage, driveway, fantastic secluded rear garden and flexible living accommodation throughout.
A rare opportunity to purchase a sizable detached property in sought after village of Hilperton. Within easy walking distance to a local shop and primary school, nearby is the Avon and Kennet canal with lovely walks.
This remarkable sized four bedroom detached property offers an exceptional opportunity to modernise and update throughout. The accommodation comprises a storm porch, entrance hall, spacious lounge, family bathroom, kitchen, large utility room and a shower room. On the first floor four excellent sized bedrooms and a separate W.C. Further benefits to the property include Upvc double glazing, garage, driveway, fantastic secluded rear garden and flexible living accommodation throughout. NO ONWARD CHAIN
Storm porch with timber column comprising low brick walls and timber door with double glazed glass panel.
There is coved ceiling, stairs leading to the first floor, under stairs cupboard, two wall light points, radiator, doors leading to the kitchen, utility room, family room, shower room and side area.
The lounge has a Upvc double glazed window to the side, coved ceiling, brick open fireplace, quarry tiled hearth and recess either side with shelving, T.V point, radiator, glazed door and an aluminium side panel door leading to the garden.
Comprises a bay window, Upvc double glazed Georgian window to the rear, front and side, recess either side of the chimney breast with shelving and two radiators.
The kitchen has a Upvc double glazed Georgian window to the front, Upvc double glazed window to the rear, range of matching base and wall units with work tops, built in double oven, inset ceramic hob, cooker hood with extractor fan, plumbing for dish washer, space for fridge, double drain stainless steel inset sink unit with chrome mixer tap, tiled splashbacks and a radiator.
There is a Upvc double glazed window to the side, Upvc double glazed obscure window to the side, double drain stainless steel inset sink unit with chrome mixer tap, plumbing for washing machine, central heating programmer, recess with glass fronted storage cupboard, Ideal gas fire boiler supplying radiator heating and domestic hot water.
The shower room has a Upvc double glazed obscure window to the side, walk in shower cubicle with electric shower, pedestal wash hand basin, disabled facilities, tiled walls, close couple W.C and a radiator.
On the first floor there is a Upvc double glazed Georgian window to the front, built in cupboard, coved ceiling, access to loft space, double airing cupboard with hot water container, built in shelved cupboard and doors leading to all good sized bedrooms and W.C.
The master bedroom comprises a Upvc double glazed window to the rear and side, range of built in wardrobes, adjoined dressing table, pedestal wash hand basin, tiled splashbacks, coved ceiling, shelving, wall light point and a radiator.
There is a Upvc double glazed Georgian window to the front, double wardrobe, coved ceiling, access to loft space and a radiator.
There is a Upvc double glazed Georgian window to the front, two double wardrobes, coved ceiling and a radiator.
There is a Upvc double glazed window to the side and a radiator.
The W.C has a Upvc double glazed obscure window to the side and a low level W.C.
There is a driveway providing parking for approximately 3 cars.
The garage has an up and over door, high level window to the front, Upvc double glazed window rear, side door, work bench, power and light.
To the front of the property there is a well established garden comprising a mature tree, flower and shrubs, lawned areas and central footpath.
This impressive rear garden benefits from vast proportions, mature shrubs and boarders, paved patio, greenhouse, large lawned areas, fruit trees, hedgerow side access, side concrete hand standing, outside tap and an outside light.
The coal bunker adjoins the garage.
Council Tax Band -
From the Trowbridge office follow the road ahead towards The Shires, turn left at the first mini and go straight over the second onto Bythesea Road. At the roundabout with traffic lights follow the road onto county way (A361). Take the first exit at next roundabout and then take the third exit on the next one onto Hilperton Road (A361). At the next roundabout take the first exit staying on Hilperton Road. At the mini turn left onto church Street. Follow the road into Whaddon Lane and then follow the road round a sharp left hand bend into Hill Street.
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