4 Bedroom Property for sale in Trowbridge, BA14
Pound Lane, Semington, Trowbridge, BA14£335,000
This exceptionally spacious four bedroom detached home provides excellent family living accommodation. The property comprises an entrance porch, cloakroom, hallway, very good sized lounge, separate dining room, well proportioned fitted kitchen/breakfast room and an above average sized utility room. On the first floor are four double bedrooms, Ensuite bathroom and family bathroom. Further benefits to the property include Upvc double glazing, double garage, parking provided for a further four vehicles to the front and a highly presented garden to the rear.
The popular village of Semington has an excellent primary school, post office, a church and a thriving public house. The property has fantastic access to the famous Kennet and Avon Canal. The nearby county town of Trowbridge is only four miles away and offers three secondary schools, shopping centres, leisure centre, a train station, whilst the world heritage city of Bath is only 15 miles away and offers more comprehensive facilities.
This exceptionally spacious four bedroom detached home provides excellent family living accommodation. The property comprises an entrance porch, cloakroom, hallway, very good sized lounge, separate dining room, well proportioned fitted kitchen/breakfast room and an above average sized utility room. On the first floor are four double bedrooms, Ensuite bathroom and family bathroom. Further benefits to the property include Upvc double glazing, double garage, parking provided for a further four vehicles to the front and a highly presented garden to the rear.
You enter the property through a part glazed Upvc double glazed door with adjacent double glazed side panels. There is access to loft space, recess for coat hanging, wall mounted oil-filled electric radiator, double glass panelled door leading to the hallway and a door leading to the cloakroom.
There is a Upvc double glazed window to the side, tiled splashbacks, W.C enclosed within a vanity unit with shelf, further vanity unit with inset wash hand basin with cupboards under and to the side.
There are stairs leading to the first floor landing, electric storage heater, smoke alarm, doors leading to the utility room, lounge, kitchen and dining room.
The lounge has a double aspect Upvc double glazed window to the front, open fireplace with timber mantel and surround, coved ceiling, T.V point, one electric storage heater, panel heater, Upvc double glazed door leading to the garden with Upvc double glazed side panels.
There is a Upvc double glazed window to the rear, serving hatch and an electric panel heater.
The kitchen/breakfast room comprises a double aspect Upvc double glazed window to the front and rear, range of matching base and wall units with rolled top work surfaces, tiled splashbacks, 1 bowl enamel sink unit with mixer tap, built in Whirlpool oven, built in ceramic hob, built in cooker hood with extractor fan and light over, space for fridge freezer, space for breakfast table, ceiling spotlights, electric connector wall heater, access to loft space and an electric storage heater.
There is a Upvc double glazed window to the side, range of matching base and wall units with rolled top work surfaces, stainless steel sink unit with chrome mixer tap, plumbing for washing machine, space for fridge and a Upvc double glazed door leading to the garden.
On the first floor there is access to loft space, smoke alarm, electric storage heater, doors leading to all four bedrooms, family bathroom and airing cupboard housing a hot water container.
There is a Upvc double glazed window to the front, electric panel heater and door leading to the ensuite bathroom.
The Ensuite bathroom has a Upvc double glazed window to the side, panelled bath with electric shower over, vanity unit with inset W.C and adjacent cupboards, vanity unit with inset wash hand basin and cupboards under, wall mounted heater, tiled splashbacks, built in toiletry cupboard with vanity shelf below, shaver socket and light.
There is a Upvc double glazed window to the rear and an electric panel heater.
There is a Upvc double glazed window to the rear and an electric panel heater.
There is a Upvc double glazed window to the rear and an electric panel heater.
The family bathroom has a Upvc double glazed window to the side, panelled bath with electric shower over, vanity unit with inset wash hand basin with cupboards below, inset W.C, tiled splashbacks, electric storage heater, shaver socket and light.
There is a double garage located to the front of the property with large roof storage space, two up and over doors, cold water tap, rear personal door, light and power.
There is a block paved driveway providing parking for approximately four cars.
The front garden comprises a lawn area, security light, side access, shrubs and flower boarders.
This large southernly facing rear garden is well enclosed to all boundaries, benefiting from two side garden areas. The main garden area is extremely well landscaped with paved areas, flower and shrub boarders, trellis archways, pergola, paved patio, large lawn areas, two security lights and an outside light. To the second part of the garden there is a paved area, well designed flower and shrubs boarders, side gate, water butt and access to the garage.
Council Tax Band - E
Four Bedroom Detached
From the Trowrbidge office in Fore Street proceed out of Trowbridge on the Hilperton Road A361 past the Fire Station. At the next roundabout take the second exit onto Hilperton Drive. Proceed over the next two roundabouts. At the third, take the third exit remaining on the A361 towards Devizes. At the next roundabout take the first exit into Semington. Then the third left hand turning into Pound Lane towards the school.
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