A rare opportunity to acquire a four bedroom detached smallholding set in approximately 2 acres of land or thereabouts would prove suitable for equestrian or livestock use, situated off St Annes Vale. Refurbished throughout to a high standard to include many original feature plus quality fixtures and fittings. In brief the accommodation comprises: open plan living/dining and family room, study, sizeable breakfast kitchen, utility room, shower room, four first floor bedrooms and family bathroom.
For Sale By Public Auction on 11th June 2015 at Westwood Golf Club, Newcastle Road, Leek, Staffordshire at 7.30 p.m
* BREAKFAST KITCHEN: 7.18m x 3.54m (23' 7" x 11' 7")
(maximum measurement) pair of double glazed oak doors having matching side panels to front aspect leading to dining area having two double glazed Velux windows to rear aspect, range of base cupboards with roll top work surfaces over having space for fridge with matching wall cupboards having glazed doors to part. Ceiling light point, television aerial point, telephone point, tiled floor, power points.
Excellent range of Oak Bespoke units comprising base cupboards and drawers having inset display shelving, integrated wine rack, Envoy range cooker comprising two double ovens, griddle, hotplate and four ring gas hob over with matching extractor fan. Range of matching wall cupboards with display shelving, roll top work surfaces incorporating one and half bowl sink unit with mixer tap, part tiled walls. Hardwood double glazed window to front aspect set on tiled sill, hardwood double glazed window to side aspect set on tiled sill, two double radiators, tiled floor, power points.
* UTILITY OFF: 3.54m x 2.82m (11' 7" x 9' 3")
Roll top work surfaces having inset one and half bowl stainless steel sink unit with mixer tap having fixed shelving, wall mounted fixed shelving with further full height built in shelving, two single radiators, loft access, inset halogen downlighters, tiled floor, power points.
Having fixed shelving, plumbing for automatic washing machine, fitted coathooks, inset halogen downlighters, tiled floor.
* SHOWER ROOM: 3.23m x 1.76m (10' 7" x 5' 9")
Fully tiled corner shower cubicle incorporating chrome shower fitment, pedestal wash hand basin, low level W.C., single radiator, part tiled walls, hardwood double glazed frosted window to rear aspect set on tiled sill, inset halogen downlighters, tiled floor.
* LIVING ROOM (INCORPORATING DINING AREA AND FAMILY AREA): 11.09m x 6.98m (36' 5" x 22' 11")
(maximum measurement) feature Inglenook brick fireplace incorporating cast iron multi fuel stove set on original Victorian tiled hearth with timber lintel over, two hardwood double glazed windows to front aspect, four antique style radiators, exposed ceiling and wall beams, original oak parquet flooring, television aerial point, staircase to first floor, power points. Open plan to Dining Area/Family Area
Two hardwood double glazed windows to front aspect, pair of hardwood double glazed doors to side aspect, pair of hardwood double glazed doors to front aspect, feature brick fireplace incorporating stove effect gas fire set on stone hearth, ceiling light, inset halogen downlighters, original oak parquet flooring, exposed ceiling beams, power points.
* STUDY: 2.71m x 2.7m (8' 11" x 8' 10")
Original cherry oak parquet flooring, antique style radiator, inset halogen downlighters, exposed ceiling beams, hardwood frosted double glazed window to side aspect, telephone point, power points.
Ceiling mounted smoke alarm, inset halogen downlighters, built in fixed shelving with hanging space, single radiator, double glazed Velux window to rear aspect, power points.
* MASTER BEDROOM: 4.5m x 4.21m (14' 9" x 13' 10")
Hardwood double glazed window to front aspect, hardwood frosted double glazed window to front aspect, two single radiator, hardwood double glazed frosted window to side aspect, built in fixed shelving, television aerial point, power points.
* BEDROOM FOUR: 2.74m x 2.72m (9' x 8' 11")
Hardwood double glazed window to rear aspect, single radiator, inset halogen downlighters, laminate flooring, television aerial point, power point.
* FAMILY BATHROOM: 2.94m x 2.69m (9' 8" x 8' 10")
Suite comprising corner panelled bath with Triton shower fitment over, low level W.C, pedestal wash hand basin, bidet, hardwood double glazed frosted window to front aspect, part tiled walls, limed oak wall paneling and ceiling beams. Built in bathroom cabinet incorporating shelving.
* BEDROOM THREE: 3.59m x 2.95m (11' 9" x 9' 8")
Hardwood double glazed window to front aspect, loft access, inset halogen downlighters, laminate flooring, power points.
* BEDROOM TWO: 3.63m x 2.89m (11' 11" x 9' 6")
Hardwood double glazed window to front aspect, window to side aspect, loft access, single radiator, inset halogen downlighters, television aerial point, power points.
Shared access from St Annes Vale leading to private driveway being gravelled and providing ample off road parking leading to block of stables
* TWO STABLES: 5.78m x 3.86m (19' x 12' 8")
(measurement incorporates both stables)
* TACK ROOM: 3.83m x 2.96m (12' 7" x 9' 9")
Having door to rear aspect.
* BLOCK AND CORRUGATED ROOFED WORKSHOP: 6.84m x 3.46m (22' 5" x 11' 4")
having electric light and power
Incorporating run
* GREENHOUSE: 3.2m x 12.19m (10' 6" x 40')
Electric light, outside courtesy lights
Leading to front paddock.
Further garden area with fenced boundary offering potential to create menage. Natural well providing water supply incorporating overflow pond. Vegetable plot incorporating fruit and vegetables. Hen house incorporating run, feature decked area to front aspect providing seating with various fruit trees. Gravelled path leads to side aspect incorporating log store giving access to rear aspect, cold water tap, wiring for courtesy lighting, steps lead to raised gardens laid to lawns with fenced boundaries, further to paddocks of land with fenced and wall boundaries, front paddock laid to grass with stone walled boundaries.
Mains electric, gas and drainage are connected. Natural water supply
We understand the property is Freehold
Council tax band 'C' Staffordshire Moorlands District Council
Strictly by appointment with Whittaker & Biggs
The land located adjacent to St Anne's Vale road is subject to an uplift clause for 25 years at 25%. Further details of this clause are available on request.
1. Sales Particulars & Plans - These sales particulars and any accompanying plans are produced in good faith as a general guide only and do not constitute any part of a Contract and no person in the employment of Whittaker & Biggs has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatever in relation to this property. The photographs used on these sales particulars and in window displays, may be taken with a non-standard lens. Intending purchasers must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of the statements contained in these particulars.
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4. Boundaries etc. - The purchaser(s) shall be deemed to have knowledge of fences, water supplies, and rights affecting the same and of the boundaries thereof.
5. Town & Country Planning - The property is sold subject to any development plan, tree preservation order, S.S.S.I, or other notices which may be or may come into force. It is also sold subject to any statutory provisions or bylaws without any obligation on the part of the vendor to specify the same.
6. Order of Sale - The vendors reserve the right to sell the property as a whole, or in lots and to sell any lot or part of any lot before the auction; to alter the order of sale, to amalgamate lots or to withdraw the whole or any lot or any part thereof.
7. Conditions of Sale - The property will, unless previously sold or withdrawn, be offered for sale subject to the Special and General Conditions of Sale and Contract, which have been settled by the vendors solicitors. These conditions, together with any plan of the property, may be inspected at the offices of the auctioneers or the solicitors prior to the auction and will also be available before the auction but will not be read out at the auction. The purchaser(s) shall be deemed to have notice of such conditions and of all the terms thereof, and shall be deemed to bid on these terms whether they shall have inspected the conditions or not. The property may be sold subject to a reserve price(s).
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