**GUIDE PRICE £190,000-£200,000** NO UPWARD CHAIN ** Beautifully presented and well proportioned four bedroom detached property benefiting from spacious en-suite bathroom, uPVC double glazing, gas central heating and single integral garage. Driveway providing off road parking for two cars.
Woodhouse is well placed for a good range of local amenities, shops and schools. The area is well served by a good public bus service and Sheffield city centre is within easy travelling distance.
Accommodation comprises:
* Hallway
A uPVC double glazed door with side window opens into the porch, with laminate flooring and radiator. Interior door gives access to the lounge.
* Lounge: 4.57m x 4.19m (15' x 13' 9")
The good sized lounge has a front facing uPVC double glazed window, central heating radiator and neutral fitted carpet to the floor. TV point.
Leading to the dining and sitting room.
* Dining Room & Sitting Room: 4.57m x 4.17m (15' x 13' 8")
Providing versatile living accommodation with French uPVC doors opening out to the decked patio of the rear garden, further rear facing uPVC double glazed window. Deep understairs storage cupboard, central heating radiator and ample space for dining table and chairs, sofa etc. Open plan stairs rise to the first floor landing.
* Kitchen: 2.72m x 5m (8' 11" x 16' 5")
Having an extensive range of wall, drawer and base cabinets with stainless steel bar handles. Co-ordinating work surfaces incorporate a five point gas hob, chrome and glass chimney extractor hood above and double inbuilt electric oven beneath. Ceramic tiling to the splashbacks, brushed steel sockets and switches. Set beneath the rear uPVC window is a one and quarter sink and drainer with mixer fitting. There are inset downlighters to the ceiling, central heating radiator, space for table and chairs. Plumbing for washing machine concealed behind base cabinet doors. Integrated appliances include dishwasher, fridge and separate freezer. Laminate flooring and courtesy door to the garage.
* Landing
Handrail and spindle balustrade rise to the first floor landing, side facing uPVC window and loft access.
* Bedroom 1 with en-suite: 2.72m x 5.69m (8' 11" x 18' 8")
The good sized master bedroom has a front facing uPVC double glazed window, fitted wardrobes and space for further bedroom furniture. Central heating radiator and fitted neutral carpet to the floor.
* En-suite Bathroom: 2.72m x 2.69m (8' 11" x 8' 10")
The spacious and beautifully appointed en-suite bathroom has a free standing roll topped bath with claw feet, tall tower chrome mixer fitting with separate shower head attachment, white wall mounted wash hand basin and low flush push button WC. Rear facing obscure window, ceramic tiling to the splashbacks and vinyl covering to the floor. Chrome ladder radiator.
* Bedroom 2: 2.72m x 3.38m (8' 11" x 11' 1")
Having a front facing uPVC double glazed window, radiator beneath, fitted neutral carpet to the floor and space for free standing bedroom furniture.
* Bedroom 3: 2.82m x 3.2m (9' 3" x 10' 6")
The rear facing bedroom has a uPVC double glazed window, radiator beneath and fitted carpet to the floor. Inbuilt storage cupboard.
* Bedroom 4: 1.93m x 3.28m (6' 4" x 10' 9")
The single bedroom has a front facing uPVC window, neutral carpet to the floor, central heating radiator and coving to the ceiling.
* Bathroom: 1.73m x 2.24m (5' 8" x 7' 4")
The bathroom has a white suite comprising panelled bath with chrome mixer fitting and shower head attachment, pedestal wash hand basin and low flush WC. Ceramic tiling to the splashbacks, vinyl covering to the floor and chrome ladder radiator. Central heating radiator.
* Integral Garage
The single integral garage has an up and over door, power and lighting.
* Exterior
To the front of the property is a double block paved drive leading to the single integral garage. Boundary wall topped with wrought iron railing.
The levelled rear garden is mainly laid to lawn and has a decked patio providing space for table and chairs. Enclosed with stone boundary wall and wooden fencing. Side gate.
This property is sold on a freehold basis.