uPVC double glazed entrance door.
ENTRANCE HALL: Stairs to first floor, laminate flooring, door to
CLOAKROOM/W.C.: uPVC double glazed front window, suite comprising low level w.c., vanity unit with corner wash basin, laminate flooring, radiator.
LOUNGE: 19'7" x 11'3" (5.97m x 3.43m) uPVC double glazed front window, fitted carpet, radiator, uPVC double glazed patio doors to
CONSERVATORY: 17'10" x 11'5" (5.44m x 3.48m) Brick construction, poly carbonate roof, uPVC double glazed windows with integral blinds, french doors to rear garden, door to utility room, wooden flooring, radiators.
KITCHEN/DINING ROOM: 19'7" max x 11'11" (5.97 m max x 3.63m) Fitted in a range of matching wall and floor units, granite effect rolled edge work surfaces, inset stainless steel sink, drainer, mixer tap, space for range cooker, integral dishwasher and washing machine/tumble dryer, uPVC double glazed front and rear windows, Kardean flooring, radiator, archway to
UTILITY ROOM: 6'3" x 5' (1.91m x 1.52m) Fitted in a range of floor units, space for fridge/freezer, door to understair cupboard, door to conservatory, Kardean flooring.
Carpeted staircase to
FIRST FLOOR LANDING: Airing cupboard housing pressurised hot water unit, radiator, loft hatch with pull down ladder to fully boarded and shelved loft space, light and power.
MASTER BEDROOM: 11'10" x 11'6" (3.16m x 3.51m) uPVC double glazed rear window, built in wardrobes, fitted carpet, radiator, door to
ENSUITE SHOWER ROOM: 7'2" x 5'1" (2.18m x 1.55m) uPVC double glazed rear window, suite comprising low level w.c., pedestal wash basin, double shower cubicle with mains shower, heated towel rail, tiled floor.
BEDROOM 2: 11'3" x 9'6" (3.43m x 2.90m) uPVC double glazed rear window, built in wardrobes, fitted carpet, radiator.
BEDROOM 3: 10' x 8' (3.05m x 2.44m) uPVC double glazed rear window, built in wardrobes, fitted carpet, radiator.
BEDROOM 4: 10'7" x 6'11" (3.23m x 2.11m) uPVC double glazed front window, fitted carpet, radiator.
FAMILY BATHROOM: uPVC double glazed front window, low level w.c., pedestal wash basin, panelled bath, inset spotlights, extractor fan, vinyl flooring, heated towel rail.
OUTSIDE: Brick weave drive with off road parking leads to
DOUBLE DETACHED GARAGE: 19'6" x 19'4" (5.94m x 5.89m) 2 Up and over doors, wall and floor units, space and plumbing for appliances, eaves storage, power and light.
Fenced rear garden, mainly laid to lawn, patio area, raised decked area with pergola over, mature flower and shrub borders, mature trees, gate provides access to front