4 Bedroom Cottage for sale in Malmesbury, SN16
Silver Street, Minety, Malmesbury, SN16£495,000
Greywalls is a DETACHED PERIOD COTTAGE tastefully updated by the current owner while retaining a wealth of CHARM and CHARACTER throughout. Located centrally within the village of Minety the property is in close proximity to the highly regarded primary school and well placed for access to Cirencester, Swindon and Malmesbury. The accommodation comprises as follows: Storm porch, family room with LOG BURNER, sitting room, dining room, impressive kitchen with vaulted ceiling, rear lobby to the master bedroom complete with DRESSING AREA and ENSUITE BATHROOM, three further double bedrooms and a family bathroom. Externally there are well maintained GARDENS with GATED DRIVEWAY PARKING.
Front door to:
Stone built fireplace with log burner, exposed feature ceiling beams, exposed brick walling, under stairs storage cupboard, three windows to the front and rear, radiator, doors to:
Exposed feature ceiling beams, oak flooring, radiator, two windows to the front and rear, television point.
Stairs rising to the first floor, radiator, oak flooring, two windows to the front, door to:
Vaulted ceiling with feature exposed ceiling beams, feature AGA inset, fitted units to the wall and base level with granite worktops over, Belfast sink with mixer tap over, two windows to the front and rear, oil fired boiler, radiator, ceramic tiled flooring, steps and opening to:
Space and plumbing for washing machine.
Radiator, ceramic tiled flooring, door to the workshop, further doors to:
French style doors to the courtyard garden, exposed wooden floor, exposed feature beams, built-in wardrobes, door to:
Suite comprising: Low level WC, wash hand basin, panelled bath, radiator.
Fitted carpet, exposed feature beams to the ceiling and walls, doors to:
Fitted carpet, window to the front aspect, raised ceiling, built-in wardrobes, radiator.
Exposed wooden floor and exposed feature beams, window to the front aspect, radiator, steps and door opening to:
Fitted carpet, radiator, window to the front aspect, exposed feature beams.
Suite comprising: panelled bath with mixer tap, pedestal wash hand basin, low level WC, partly tiled walls, exposed feature beams, radiator.
Well maintained and stocked with a large area laid to lawn, rockery with sitting area all fully enclosed by timber fencing, gated access to the separate courtyard.
Power and lighting, currently houses to the hot tub.
Gated driveway driveway parking for a number of vehicles which leads onto the gardens.
FLOOR PLANS-These are intended as a GUIDE only. Dimensions are approximate. NOT TO SCALE. We have taken every care with the preparation of these details. They do not form any part of an offer or contract and are a guide only. We have not tested any apparatus, equipment, fitting or services and cannot verify they are in working order. All measurements are approximate.