A beautifully presented fully refurbished three bedroom terrace property with accommodation over the passageway. During the past few years the property has had a new roof, new central heating system and partial re-wire with upgraded consumer unit.
Also benefiting from a modern dining kitchen, white bathroom suite and uPVC double glazing.
Located in the popular residential area of Heeley close to a wide range of local amenities, shops and schools. Sheffield city centre is within easy reach and the area is well served by a good public bus service.
Accommodation comprises:
* Beautiful Lounge: 3.66m x 3.58m (12' x 11' 9")
A uPVC door opens into the lounge, there is a front facing uPVC window, there is attractive decor to the walls, coving to the ceiling and fitted carpet to the floor. The focal point of the room is the beautiful silver decorative cast iron fire surround with granite hearth inset with ornamental open fire.
* Inner Lobby
With fitted carpet to the floor , carpeted stairs rise to the first floor landing.
* Modern Spacious Dining Kitchen: 3.81m x 3.66m (12' 6" x 12')
Having a substantial amount of modern dark wood wall, drawer and base cabinets, complementing work surfaces incorporating a stainless steel sink and drainer with mixer fitting. Having a rear facing uPVC window, ceramic tiling to the splashbacks and vinyl flooring. The recessed chimney breast provides space and point range style cooker, with extractor above. Having plumbing for automatic washing machine and space for upright fridge freezer. Recessed area provides further storage and trap door to the cellar. There is ample space for dining table and chairs, central heating radiator and uPVC door opens to the rear garden.
* Landing
Carpeted stairs rise to the first floor landing with fitted carpet and further stairs lead upto the attic bedroom.
* Bedroom 1: 4.24m x 3.58m (13' 11" x 11' 9")
The attractively presented room has modern paper to the feature wall, and the remaining decorated in neutral shades, quality fitted carpet to the floor. There is a front facing uPVC window, radiator and substantial inbuilt storage cupboard, space for further free standing wardrobes.
* Bedroom 2: 2.82m x 2.92m (To Longest Point) (9' 3" x 9' 7")
Quality fitted neutral carpet to the floor, central heating radiator and rear facing uPVC window.
* Bathroom
Having a white suite comprising panelled bath with Triton electric shower above, glass shower screen, pedestal wash hand basin and low flush WC. Ceramic tiling to half height, obscure rear uPVC window, tiling to the floor and radiator.
* Attic Bedroom: 3.43m x 4.7m (into dormer) (11' 3" x 15' 5")
With a rear facing uPVC dormer window, fitted carpet to the floor and inbuilt eaves storage.
* Exterior
To the front of the property is a small fore-garden with boundary wall.
There is an enclosed rear garden with wooden fencing, mainly laid to lawn and a paved patio area providing space for seating.
This property is sold on a freehold basis.