**INVESTORS ONLY** Well presented three bedroom mid terrace property having modern kitchen, uPVC double glazing and gas central heating.
Parkgate is well placed for all local amenities, having a good range of local shops and retails parks. Excellent commuter links to the motorway network.
Accommodation comprises:
* Living Room: 3.99m x 3.68m (13' 1" x 12' 1")
Upvc door opens into the lounge having a front facing upvc window. There is fitted carpet to the floor and attractive wallpaper to the feature wall. Contemporary wall mounted electric fire. Centre ceiling rose.
* Inner Lobby
Carpeted stairs rise to the first floor landing. Leading to the dining room.
* Dining Room: 4.01m (to widest point) x 3.63m (to longest point) (13' 2" x 11' 11")
Having space for family sized dining table and chairs. There is fitted neutral carpet to the floor. Courtesy door leads to cellar head with steps descending down to the cellar, which has power and lighting.
* Kitchen: 2.46m x 3.89m (to longest point) (8' 1" x 12' 9")
Having a side facing window, set below which is a chrome sink and drainer with mixer fitting, there are a range of wall and base units in Beech with chrome bar handles. Co-ordinating work surfaces incorporate a four ring gas hob, extractor hood above and inbuilt electric oven beneath. Ceramic tiling to the splashbacks and vinyl covering to the floor. Space and plumbing for automatic washing machine and dishwasher. uPVC door leads to the outside space.
* Landing
Carpeted stairs rise to the first floor landing having fitted carpet to the floor.
* Bedroom 1: 3.05m (to widest point) x 2.67m (10' x 8' 9")
Having a rear facing aspect, the double bedroom has coving to the ceiling space for bedroom furniture and fitted carpet to the floor. Inbuilt storage cupboard.
* Bedroom 2: 2.92m x 3.66m (9' 7" x 12')
Having a front facing aspect, the double bedroom has neutral fitted carpet to the floor, coving to the ceiling and space for free-standing bedroom furniture.
* Bedroom 3: 1.93m x 3.68m (6' 4" x 12' 1")
The single bedroom has a front facing outlook, fitted carpet to the floor continued from the landing.
* Bathroom: 2.49m x 3.05m (8' 2" x 10')
Comprising white suite panelled bath with shower attachment above, low flush WC and pedestal hand basin. Tiling to the splashbacks and ceramic tiling to the floor. Side facing obscure window.
* Exterior
To the front of the property is a low boundary wall, gravelled area and wrought iron gate leading to the pavement.
The rear garden has a stoned paving area leading to a pathway through a gravelled area to the bottom of the garden where there is a decked area. Enclosed with wooden fencing, with a side gate leading to the side passage.
The tenure for this property is yet to be confirmed.