*ENVIABLE POSITION AND A GOOD SIZE!* Looking over open ground to the front this 'Bovis' family home offers a hall, lounge, kitchen/diner, utility, cloakroom, master bedroom with recessed wardrobes and large en-suite, built in wardrobes to the second, a third bedroom, bathroom, good sized garden, garage and driveway and extra parking.
*ENVIABLE POSITION AND A GOOD SIZE!* Looking over open ground to the front this 'Bovis' family home offers a hall, lounge, kitchen/diner, utility, cloakroom, master bedroom with recessed wardrobes and large en-suite, built in wardrobes to the second, a third bedroom, bathroom, good sized garden, garage and driveway and second parking space.
Entrance hall
Enter via the front door into the hall, radiator, door to:-
Lounge - 14' 6'' x 13' 6'' (4.42m x 4.11m)
Window to the front looking onto the open land, TV point, radiator x2, wall lights, stairs to the first floor and door to the kitchen.
Kitchen/Diner - 14' 6'' x 8' 10'' (4.42m x 2.69m)
2x UPVC double glazed windows to the rear, a refitted kitchen with eye and base units, wine rack, 1&1/2 stainless steel sink and drainer, stainless steel double oven and electric hob, stainless steel splash back with extractor hood over, fridge/freezer space, space and plumbing for dishwasher, inset lights, radiator, dining area, under stairs cupboard and door to the utility
Door to the garden, window to the rear, work surface, washing machine space, radiator, sink and drainer, door to the garage, door to the WC.
WC and wall mounted boiler.
Bedrom 1 - 12' 9'' x 11' 0'' (3.88m x 3.35m)
Window to the front overlooking the open ground to the front, large recessed double wardrobe, radiator, door to the en-suite.
A good sized en-suite with shower cubicle and shower, WC, wash basin, window, radiator
Bedroom 2 - 11' 2'' x 10' 5'' (3.40m x 3.17m)
Window to the front, radiator, recessed double wardrobe, loft access
Doors to all rooms, loft access, airing cupboard with tank and shelving
Bedroom 3 - 9' 11'' x 6' 8'' (3.02m x 2.03m)
Window to the rear, radiator.
Velux window to the rear, WC, wash basin, panelled bath, extractor and radiator.
To the front there is a pleasant view over open land and trees, driveway and extra parking space, lawn. To the rear is a good sized garden with large patio and lawn, shrubs and sheds.
With up and over door, power and light, door into the utility.