GROUNDFLOOR Porch canopy with double glazed front entrance door into :
HALLWAY Having dogleg stairs rising to the first floor landing, storage cupboard currently housing a dryer and fridge, understairs stoage cupboard,central heating radiator, dado rail, telephone point and door to :
CLOAKROOM/WC Having an obscure double glazed window facing the front aspect, low level WC and hand wash basin.
FITTED KITCHEN 9' 7" x 8' 9" (2.92m x 2.67m) The kitchen comprises of a range of wall and base mounted units incorporating an inset stainless steel sink and drainer unit with work surfaces and tiled splashbacks over. Spaces and plumbing for an automatic washing machine, fridge, freezer and gas point for cooker. Wall mounted Ideal gas boiler, extractor fan, serving hatch, central heating radiator and double glazed window facing the front aspect.
LOUNGE/DINING ROOM 17' 3" x 15' 8" reducing to 8' 1"(5.26m x 4.78m) This L shaped lounge dining room has double glazed windows and door leading into the rear garden, two central heating radiators, laminate flooring, dado rail and television point.
FIRST FLOOR LANDING Having access to a boarded loft space with light, three storage cupboards (one housing the hot water cylinder) and door to :
BEDROOM ONE 12' 1" x 9' 7" (3.68m x 2.92m) Having a double glazed window facing the front aspect, central heating radiator and television point.
BEDROOM TWO 10' 8" x 7' 8" reducing to 6' 10" (3.25m x 2.34m) Having a double glazed window facing the rear aspect, central heating radiator and television point.
BEDROOM THREE 9' 9" reducing to 7' 5" x 8' 6" (2.97m x 2.59m) Having a double glazed window facing the rear aspect, central heating radiator and television point.
BATHROOM Being part tiled and comprising of a panelled bath with electric shower over, pedestal hand wash basin, low level WC, central heating radiator and obscure double glazed window facing the front aspect.
FRONT GARDEN Having a lawned area and paved pathway leading to the front entrance.
REAR GARDEN Being enclosed by timber fencing having a paved patio area with a brick built store, beyond being laid to lawn leading to a rear pedestrian gate. Having rear vehicle access to a parking space.