Entrance via an obscure, double glazed door to
ENTRANCE HALL Obscure double glazed window to the front aspect. Stairs to first floor accommodation. Under stairs storage space. Radiator.
STUDY 8' x 7' (2.44m x 2.13m) Double glazed lead light window to the side aspect. Radiator.
LOUNGE/DINER 23' 6" x 11' 6" narrowing to 10' 1" (7.16m x 3.51m narrowing to 3.07m) Double glazed lead light window to the front aspect. Feature fireplace. TV point. Space for table and chairs. Coving to plastered ceiling. Two radiators.
KITCHEN/BREAKFAST ROOM 12' x 14' narrowing to 7' (3.66m x 4.27m narrowing to 2.39m) Double glazed window and double glazed door to the conservatory. A comprehensive range of fitted units to eye and base level. Display units to eye level. Roll edge work surfaces. One and quarter stainless steel single sink drainer unit. Four ring gas cooker, to remain. Dish washer and washing machine, to remain. Fridge and freezer, to remain. Breakfast bar, with seating for 3. Amtico flooring. Roof light. Radiator.
CONSERVATORY 11' 6" x 10' 6" (3.51m x 3.2m) Double glazed window and double glazed French doors to the rear aspect. Hard wood flooring. Fan.
GROUND FLOOR SHOWER ROOM Obscure double glazed lead light window to the side aspect. Three piece suite comprising of corner, vanity wash hand basin, corner shower enclosure with 6 jet sprays, overhead shower head and adjustable, hand held shower and low level WC. Heated towel rail. Tiled floor. Coving to plastered ceiling.
LANDING Obscure double glazed window to the side aspect. Access to loft. Over stairs airing cupboard.
BEDROOM ONE 12' 1" x 10' 1" (3.68m x 3.07m) Double glazed window to the front aspect. Fitted bedroom furniture to remain, including wardrobes, overhead cupboards, bedside cabinets and drawers. Coving to plastered ceiling. Radiator.
BEDROOM TWO 11' 1" x 11' into wardrobe (3.38m x 3.35m into wardrobe) Double glazed window to the rear aspect. Fitted bedroom furniture to remain, including wardrobes, bedside cabinets and drawers. Coving to plastered ceiling. Radiator.
BEDROOM THREE 7' 1" x 7' (2.16m x 2.13m) Double glazed window to the front aspect. Hard wood flooring. Coving to plastered ceiling. Radiator.
BATHROOM Obscure double glazed window to the rear aspect. Three piece white suite comprising of pedestal wash hand basin, panelled bath with 6 jets and hand held shower attachment and low level WC. Heated towel rail. Tiled walls. Coving to plastered ceiling.
EXTERIOR The REAR GARDEN measures 84' (25.6m) in depth and commences with paved patio leading to laid to lawn area. Wide variety of established plants, trees, shrubs and hedging to the borders. Decking area to one side. Shaped path leading to rear of the garden. Summerhouse, to remain. Gate providing access to the front.
The FRONT has driveway providing off-street parking which in turn leads to GARAGE, 16' 10" x 8' 4" (5.13m x 2.54m), with double doors, power and light and personal door to the rear garden.