A VERY WELL PRESENTED Three bedroom SEMI-DETACHED town house situated in an ENVIABLE LOCATION OVERLOOKING A PARK with GATED DRIVEWAY and GARAGE directly to the side. The accommodation on offer briefly comprises of THREE BEDROOMS, including a master suite to the top floor which boasts both an ensuite and DRESSING ROOM. There is also a modern fitted family bathroom, entrance hall, cloakroom, modern fitted kitchen/breakfast room and living/dining room. Further attributes include uPVC double glazing and gas central heating. Externally, along with benefiting from the garage and driveway directly to the side of the home, the property also boasts a SOUTH WEST FACING GARDEN. The home itself is ideally located in a popular location within Redhouse CLOSE TO LOCAL SHOPS, SCHOOLS and AMENITIES.
A VERY WELL PRESENTED Three bedroom SEMI-DETACHED town house situated in an ENVIABLE LOCATION OVERLOOKING A PARK with GATED DRIVEWAY and GARAGE directly to the side. The accommodation on offer briefly comprises of THREE BEDROOMS, including a master suite to the top floor which boasts both an ensuite and DRESSING ROOM. There is also a modern fitted family bathroom, entrance hall, cloakroom, modern fitted kitchen/breakfast room and living/dining room. Further attributes include uPVC double glazing and gas central heating. Externally, along with benefiting from the garage and driveway directly to the side of the home, the property also boasts a SOUTH WEST FACING GARDEN. The home itself is ideally located in a popular location within Redhouse CLOSE TO LOCAL SHOPS, SCHOOLS and AMENITIES.
Front Door To Entrance Hall:
Entrance Hall:
Radiator, stairs to first floor landing, door to living/dining room and door to kitchen/breakfast room, door to cloakroom.
Modern fitted white suite comprising low level WC, wall mounted wash hand basin with colour co-ordinated tiled splash backs, wood effect laminate flooring, extractor fan, radiator.
Kitchen/Breakfast Room: - 10' 9'' x 8' 1'' (3.303m x 2.481m)
Modern fitted kitchen comprising stainless steel one and a half bowl single drainer sink unit with taps over and cupboard below, further range of matching cupboards and drawers at both eye and base level with colour co-ordinated rolled edge work surfaces and tiled splash backs, colour co-ordinated tiled flooring, recess for fridge/freezer, space and plumbing for washing machine, built in oven with 4 ring gas hob and extractor hood over, concealed wall mounted boiler, uPVC double glazed window to front aspect, radiator, TV point.
Living/Dining Room: - 15' 6'' x 13' 11'' (max) (4.732m x 4.26m)
uPVC double glazed French doors to rear aspect leading to garden with additional uPVC double glazed window to rear aspect, door to useful under stairs storage cupboard, TV and telephone point.
First Floor Landing:
Door to airing cupboard with refitted hot water tank, doors to bedrooms 2 & 3, door to family bathroom, stairs in turn leading to second floor landing.
Bedroom 2: - 13' 6'' x 9' 2'' (excl wardrobes) (4.122m x 2.803m)
Dual uPVC double glazed windows to rear aspect, 6 doors along one wall to range of built in wardrobes providing hanging and shelving space, radiator, TV point.
Bedroom 3: - 15' 6'' (max) x 9' 0'' (max) L-Shaped Room (4.738m x 2.747m)
Dual uPVC double glazed windows to front aspect, radiator, TV point.
Family Bathroom:
Modern fitted white suite comprising panel enclosed bath with mixer taps shower attachment off, pedestal wash hand basin, low level WC, colour co-ordinated tiling to principal areas, radiator, extractor fan, electric shaver point, wood effect laminate flooring.
Second Floor Landing:
Door to bedroom 1.
Bedroom 1: - 12' 1'' (excl cupboard & recess) x 10' 7'' (excl wardrobe recess) (3.706m x 3.244m)
uPVC double glazed window to front access, door to useful over stairs storage cupboard, TV and telephone point, access to loft space, doors to dressing room & ensuite.
Dressing Room: - 9' 7'' x 4' 11'' (excl wardrobe recess) (2.926m x 1.506m)
uPVC double glazed window to rear aspect, radiator, double doors to built in wardrobe.
Modern fitted white suite comprising double width tiled shower cubicle with fitted shower, pedestal wash hand basin, low level WC, colour co-ordinated tiled splash backs, radiator, wood effect laminate flooring, extractor fan.
Front Garden:
Path to front door, small area laid to stone chippings.
Rear Garden:
Enclosed rear garden which is mainly laid to lawn with flower and shrub borders, enclosed by wooden fencing, direct access to garage and driveway, outside tap to the side of the home.
Garage & Parking:
Gated driveway extending the side of the home providing off road parking and in turn leading to the single garage with metal up and over door, power and light, pitched roof providing additional storage.
Exit Thamesdown Drive signposted Oakhurst onto Oakhurst Way and proceed over the first roundabout and turn right at the second, at the next roundabout turn left onto Butleigh Road which in turn leads directly into Helena Road where number 10 can be identified by the for sale sign.