Rhyen Jordan Estate agents are pleased to bring to the market, this excellent investment opportunity. The current tenant wishes to remain (subject to terms & conditions), so for any would be landlord, an ideal situation. Call now to view and DO NOT MISS OUT.
Entry via front door to entrance hall.
Entrance Hall
Radiator, ceiling light, door to kitchen/diner and cloakroom.
Two piece suite comprising low level WC., wash hand basin, radiator, ceiling light.
Kitchen/Diner - 18' 8'' x 14' 10'' (5.69m x 4.52m)
Open plan kitchen/diner, double glazed window to front, stainless steel single drainer sink unit with storage cupboard under, range of wall and base mounted units with work surfaces, plumbing for automatic washing machine, space for fridge/freezer, tiling to splash back areas, stairs rising to the first floor, radiator, ceiling light, door to lounge.
Lounge - 14' 7'' x 11' 5'' (4.44m x 3.48m)
Patio doors to rear, built-in cupboard housing boiler, radiator, ceiling light.
First Floor Landing
Stairs rising from kitchen/diner, access to loft space, built-in storage cupboard, built-in airing cupboard, ceiling light, all doors to:
Bedroom One - 15' 2'' x 8' 1'' (4.62m x 2.46m)
Double glazed window to front, built-in wardrobes, ceiling light.
Bedroom Two - 13' 11'' x 8' 1'' (4.24m x 2.46m)
Window to rear, ceiling light.
Bedroom Three - 11' x 6' 4'' (3.35m x 1.93m)
Window to rear, ceiling light.
Three piece suite comprising panelled bath, pedestal wash hand basin, low level WC., double glazed window to front, ceiling light.
Front Garden
Gated access to driveway, pathway to front door, lawned area.
Rear Garden
Patio area, gated rear access, enclosed by timber fencing.