3 Bedroom Property for sale in Mountain Ash, CF45
Phillip Street, Mountain Ash, CF45£69,995
Apex Estate Agents are pleased to offer for sale this mid terrace property, situated in a popular residential location, close to the centre of Mountain Ash. With Upvc double glazing, gas central heating, NEW downstairs bathroom. Property Comprises: Hallway, lounge, kitchen, bathroom, landing, 3 bedrooms, rear garden
Wall paper walls, radiator, B.T socket, smoke alarm, stairs to first floor
Emulsion walls, artex ceiling with coving, fitted carpet, electric feature fire, alcoves, 2 radiators, power points, under stairs storage, windows to the front and rear.
Emulsion walls, textured ceiling with coving, cushion floor, fitted base and wall units in White, tile splash backs, plumbing for washer, wall mounted combination boiler, power points, radiator, window and door to the side.
Newly modernised with tiled surround and emulsion ceilings, tile splash backs, cushion floor, large open shower cubicle with electric shower, ceramic wash / hand basin, window to the rear.
Papered walls and ceiling, fitted carpet, attic hatch, smoke alarm.
Emulsion walls and ceiling, fitted carpet, power points, radiator, window to the front.
Emulsion walls and ceiling, fitted carpet, built-in wardrobes, power points, radiator, window to the rear
Emulsion walls and ceiling, fitted carpet, radiator, power points, window to the front
Rear paved patio with storage shed.
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