3 Bedroom Property for sale in Slough, SL1
Summerlea, Slough, SL1£289,950
*** IMMACULATE 3 BEDROOM FAMILY HOME *** BEAUTIFULLY PRESENTED *** Spacious living accommodation *** Double glazed *** Gas central heating *** Modern kitchen and bathroom *** Garage *** Close to Cippenham Village *** Easy access to M4 *** Close to shops *** Close to schools *** Internal viewings highly recommended
*********** 3 BEDROOM FAMILY HOME**********A well presented three bedroom property located in a popular residential area. The property is presented to the highest standard throughout which includes a spacious open plan lounge/diner with patio doors leading to a well maintained private rear garden, fitted kitchen, downstairs cloakroom, family bathroom, gas central heating, double glazing throughout, garage, downstairs cloakroom and lots of storage space including loft access with a pull-down ladder. The property benefits from being close to all the local schools and shops, easy access to M4 and train station. Early viewings are highly recommended!!
Leading into entrance porch/entrance hall.
Door to garage, storage space.
Under stair storage space, door to kitchen and open plan lounge/diner area, radiator, power points.
Comprising of a low level flush toilet and a wash hand basin.
Fitted kitchen comprising of wall and base units, laminated work top, part tiled ceramic walls, vinyl flooring, stainless steel single sink unit, plumbing for washing machine, space for fridge freezer, wall mounted boiler, front UPVC double glazed windows.
Spacious open plan lounge/diner, room for dining table, radiator, power points, TV point, double glazed patio doors giving access to garden.
Doors to all bedrooms, bathroom, access to loft (part boarded and insulated with pull - down ladder).
Double bedroom with built in wardrobes, front aspect UPVC double glazed windows, radiator, power points, TV points.
Double bedroom with built in wardrobes, rear aspect UPVC double glazed windows, radiator, power points, TV points.
Single bedroom, rear aspect UPVC double glazed windows, radiator, power points.
White bathroom suite comprising of a panel enclosed bath with an electric shower, part tiled walls, Vinyl flooring, low level flush toilet, wash hand basin, radiator, front aspect UPVC double glazed window, airing cupboard.
East facing enclosed rear garden with patio area and fence dividing the garden, wooden shed, rear gate leading to back access.
Pathway leading up to front door, access to garage, concrete driveway providing parking for 2 cars, outside light.
1:MONEY LAUNDERING REGULATIONS - Intending purchasers will be asked to produce identification documentation at a later stage and we would ask for your co-operation in order that there will be no delay in agreeing the sale2: These particulars do not constitute part or all of an offer or contract.3: The measurements indicated are supplied for guidance only and as such must be considered incorrect.4: Cameron King has not tested any apparatus, equipment, fixtures, fittings or services and it is in the buyers interests to check the working condition of any appliances.5: Cameron King has not sought to verify the legal title of the property and the buyers must obtain verification from their solicitor.