uPVC double glazed front door to
ENTRANCE HALL: 12'11" x 6'1" (3.68m x 1.86m) uPVC double glazed front window, cloaks cupboard, carpeted staircase to first floor, laminate flooring, door to
BEDROOM 3: 12'2" x 8'10" (3.70m x 2.70m) uPVC double glazed front window, built in double cupboard housing combination boiler supplying central heating and hot water, fitted carpet, radiator.
BATHROOM: uPVC double glazed rear and side windows, panelled bath, pedestal wash basin, low level w.c., part tiled walls, heated towel rail.
LOUNGE/DINER: 23'9" x 10'11" max (7.23m x 3.32m max) uPVC double glazed front and rear windows, serving hatch to kitchen, fitted carpet, 2 radiators.
KITCHEN: 9'3" x 8'2" (2.82m x2.48m) Fitted in a range of matching wall and floor units, rolled edge work surfaces, single bowl sink, drainer, mixer tap, tiled splashbacks, space for electric free standing cooker, extractor over, secondary glazed window, laminate tile effect flooring, door to
CONSERVATORY/SUN ROOM: 8'11" x 5'3" (2.73m x 1.59m) Timber frame, single glazed, flat roof, door to side, laminate flooring.
Carpeted staircase to first floor
LANDING: Double doors to large eaves storage area.
BEDROOM 1: 11'6" x 11' (3.52m x 3.35m) uPVC double glazed rear window, fitted carpet, radiator, door to eaves storage.
BEDROOM 2: 11'6" x 8'10" (3.52m x 2.70m) uPVC double glazed front window, fitted cupboard, fitted carpet, radiator, loft access, double doors providing access to eaves storage.
OUTSIDE: Front garden, laid to lawn, driveway providing off road parking for 3-4 cars leading to
DETACHED SINGLE GARAGE: up and over door, power and light connected.
Generous rear garden, mainly laid to lawn, patio, hedged borders, well stocked with a variety of mature plants, trees, shrubs, 2 timber sheds, timber framed greenhouse.