3 Bedroom Detached for sale in Burnley, BB10
Hallwood Close, Burnley, BB10£140,000
Entrance Hall | Entrance is gained at the front of the property via a composit door, double glazed window to the front, open feature staircase leading to the first floor, 2 radiators, wall light, access into the lounge, understairs storage cupboard and internal windows to the lounge. |
Open Plan Lounge/Dining Room | 20'3\" (6.16m) x 3.38 (min) and 14'10\" (4.51m) (max). Two ceiling light points, large double glazed window to the front, large sliding patio doors to the rear leading out to the garden, two radiators, two television points, a feature modern fire set on the wall, access is provided into the hallway and kitchen, 3 double electric points. |
Kitchen | 11'10\" x 2.77 (3.6m x 2.77). Comprising a range of high gloss units with complementary work surfaces, space for an American style fridge, dishwasher and washing machine with planning and mains soscket in the ajacent base units, larder unit, stainless steel sink and drainer unit. A PVCU door to the side, double glazed window to the rear overlooking the garden, laminate flooring, boiler housed in a cupboard, ceiling strip light, electric induction ceramic hob, electric oven, extractor hood over and 4 double electric sockets fitted above the work surfaces and control switches for the sockets below the work surfaces. |
Landing | Access into the bedrooms, bathroom, open balustrade, double glazed window to the front, light point and double socket. |
Bedroom One | 14'9\" x 9'3\" (4.5m x 2.82m). Double glazed window with child safety and emergency features to the rear overlooking the garden, radiator, ceiling light point and three double electric sockets. |
Bedroom Two | 10'6\" x 9'10\" (3.2m x 3m). Double glazed window with child safety and emergency features to the front, radiator, two double electric sockets and ceiling light point. |
Bedroom Three | 11'11\" x 9'3\" (3.63m x 2.82m). Double glazed window with child safety and emergency features overlooking the garden, radiator, ceiling light point and two double electric sockets. |
WC | Double glazed window to the side, light point and low level WC and laminate flooring. |
Bathroom | 7' x 8'4\" (2.13m x 2.54m). Panelled bath with electric shower over, glazed shower screen, towel radiator, pedestal wash basin, feature part tiled elevation and laminate flooring, double glazed window to the front and the side, loft hatch, built-in cupboard housing the cylinder and providing storage. |
OUTSIDE | The property has a front garden area with laid lawn, planted borders, driveway parking providing access to the attached garage, steps and a ramp leading up to the front door. Access to the rear garden down the side of the property, to the other side of the property is an attached walk through greenhouse to the other end. The rear garden is enclosed and provides paved patio areas, laid lawn areas, fenced surround, wall surround, planted hedge and mature planted borders, outside tap. |
Garage | Up and over door to the front, radiator, meters are housed in the garage, double glazed window to the side, electric sockets and light point. |