Offered for sale with no onward chain this refurbishment property is ideal for anyone looking for a project to restore to live in or as an investment for a buy to let. The garden fronted property has a well proportioned ground floor layout, two bedrooms and bathroom to the first floor and an additional useable loft space. There is a private rear garden with views across the adjacent fields. Occupying a popular position close to local schools and amenities this terraced home should prove to be extremely popular.
Lounge | 13'8\" x 9'6\" (4.17m x 2.9m). uPVC double glazed door, opening onto the garden. Double glazed UPVC window facing the front overlooking the garden. Laminate flooring, wall lights and ceiling light.
Kitchen | 13'8\" x 11'8\" (4.17m x 3.56m). uPVC double glazed door, opening onto the garden. Double glazed UPVC window facing the rear overlooking the garden. Radiator, vinyl flooring, tiled splashbacks, ceiling light. Roll top work surface, fitted, wall, base and drawer units, integrated oven, integrated hob, over hob extractor.
Bedroom 2 | uPVC double glazed window facing the rear, laminate flooring, ceiling light.
Disclaimer | Please note that any services, heating system or appliances have not been tested and no warranty can be given or implied as to their working order.