2Roost are pleased to offer for sale this 2 bedroom semi-detached house in Sheffield, featuring:
Accommodation comprises:
* Entrance
A part glazed hardwood door, opens into the entrance vestibule. A further door leads into the living room.
* Living Room/Dining Area: 3.66m x 5.21m (12' x 17' 1")
Having a front facing aspect with double glazed window in wooden frame, laminate covering to the floor and picture rail to the wall. Inbuilt understairs storage cupboard. Ample space for furniture, dining table and chairs. Stairs rise to the first floor landing.
* Kitchen: 2.08m x 3.68m (6' 10" x 12' 1")
Having a range of wall, drawer and base cabinets co-ordinating work surfaces which incorporate a four ring gas hob with electric oven beneath and extractor hood above. Ceramic tiling to the splashback areas. White sink and drainer with mixer fitting, and wall mounted central heating boiler. Space and plumbing for automatic washing machine, space for fridge freezer. There is vinyl covering to the floor. Double glazed patio doors open out to the rear garden.
* Landing
Stairs with handrail and spindle balustrade rise to the first floor landing, providing loft access and having smoke alarm.
* Bedroom 1: 3.02m x 3.71m (9' 11" x 12' 2")
Having a rear facing aspect with double glazed wooden frame, carpet to the floor and space for free-standing bedroom furniture.
* Bedroom 2: 2.59m x 2.62m (8' 6" x 8' 7")
Double glazed window in wooden frame has a front facing aspect, the good sized room has fitted carpet to the floor. Inbuilt housing cupboard.
* Bathroom
Comprising a white suite with panelled bath, electric shower over, pedestal wash hand basin and low flush WC. Tiling to the splashbacks, side facing double glazed window in wooden frame, vinyl covering to the floor and extractor fan.
* Gardens
To the front is a lawned garden with path leading to the front door.
The rear garden has a stone paved patio area, further gravelled area leading upto a rear gate. The garden is enclosed with wooden fencing, side gate to the pavement.
To the rear of the property is a hard standing area providing off road parking for two vehicles.
This property is sold on a freehold basis.