A modern two bedroom semi-detached house with a double glazed conservatory, adjacent garage, and an especially long driveway. Located on the popular 'Priory Meadows' development. This is a very popular style home. CANOPIED ENTRANCEFeature half leaded glazed front door with inset decorative glass panels. ENTRANCE HALLStaircase to the first floor. Radiator. Central heating thermostat. Laminate flooring. Access to the kitchen, door to the lounge/dining room. LOUNGE / DINING ROOM 14'3 x 11'10Double glazed sliding patio doors leading to the conservatory. Radiator. Telephone point. 'Virgin' point. TV aerial. Coved ceiling. Laminate flooring. CONSERVATORY 13'0 x 8'6 UPVC double glazed windows, including obscure glazing to one side for privacy. Low brick walling and polycarbonate roofing. Tiled floor. Light and power. Double glazed French doors leading to the rear garden. KITCHEN 9'9 x 5'6 min. A slightly L-shaped room fitted with a range of floor and wall units with roll edge worktops, inset stainless steel single drainer sink unit with mixer tap. Built-in 'Moffat' oven, built-in 'Moffat' hob and cooker hood. Tiled splashbacks. Plumbing for washing machine and space for fridge/freezer. Radiator. Tiled flooring. UPVC double glazed window to the front. FIRST FLOORLANDING Doors to both bedrooms and the bathroom. Tiled floor. Access to loft space. BEDROOM ONE 11'10 x 9'0 UPVC double glazed window to the rear. Radiator. Fitted wardrobe with top cupboards. Laminate flooring. Coved ceiling. BEDROOM TWO UPVC double glazed window to the front. Radiator. Built-in wardrobes. TV and telephone point. Coved ceiling. Laminate flooring. Airing cupboard housing 'Powermax 155' combination boiler. BATHROOMTiled bathroom with white suite comprising panelled bath with shower/mixer tap, pedestal wash-hand basin and low level WC. Radiator. UPVC obscure double glazed window to the side. Extractor fan. OUTSIDE FrontLaid to lawn with hedge and conifer. Outside light. Gated side access leads to the rear garden. ParkingDriveway providing off-street parking for three/four cars, leading to the garage. GarageAdjacent with metal up and over door, light and power. RearA private aspect, enclosed with fencing, backing onto woodland. Lawn, flower bed, paved patio area, decked area and shed. Outside tap. Security lighting. AGENT'S NOTESPlease note these are draft details subject to the vendor's approval.