An ideal opportunity for the first time buyer/investor to acquire a semi detached house located on a favoured family residential area close to local schools and amenities. The accommodation comprising of living room, dining hall, two bedrooms and the added benefits of gas central heating and uPVC double glazing. EPC rating C.
comprises of a timber single glazed door with glass panelling adjacent leading into the
Dining Hall - 13' 1'' min x 8' 9 (3.98m x 2.66m)
comprising of telephone point, powerpoints, radiator, spiral stairs leading to landing and an archway into the
Living Room - 9' 6'' x 11' 3 (2.89m x 3.43m)
comprising of powerpoints, TV point, radiator and a uPVC double glazed windows to the front and side elevation
Kitchen - 6' 7'' x 5' 10 (2.01m x 1.78m)
comprising of wall drawer and base units with worktop over, sink and drainer with mixer tap, tiled splashbacks, powerpoints, void for washing machine, intergrated oven with four ring gas hob and extractor fan over and a uPVC double glazed window to the front elevation
Spiral staircase leads to the
L shaped landing
having powerpoints, central heating thermostat, smoke detector, loft hatch and doors off
Bedroom Two - 7' 11'' x 9' 9 (2.41m x 2.97m)
comprising of radiator, powerpoint, storage cupboard housing the boiler and a uPVC double glazed window to the front elevation
Bedroom One - 11' 2'' x 9' 7 (3.40m x 2.92m)
comprising of radiator, powerpoints and a uPVC double glazed window to the side elevation
comprising of a three piece suite having a low flush WC, pedastal hand wash basin with mixer tap, panelled bath, tiled splashbacks and a uPVC double glazed obscure window to the front elevation
The property is approached by a concrete driveway offering off street parking for a single car. A small timber gate leading to the front & side garden being mainly laid to lawn with decorative borders and a small patio area to the side of the property.