Full description
HALLWAY With carpet all the way through and access to bedrooms one and two, bathroom, lounge and a storage cupboard.
KITCHEN 7' 6" x 10' 4" (2.29m x 3.15m) With UPVC double glazed window to the front, central heating radiator, electric hob and oven with over head extractor fan, space for appliances and a stainless steel sink and drainer with splash back tiles.
LIVING ROOM 11' 6" x 10' 5" (3.51m x 3.18m) With UPVC double glazed window, central heating radiator and access to the kitchen.
BEDROOM ONE 9' 5" x 11' 7" (2.87m x 3.53m) With UPVC double glazed window and a central heating radiator.
BEDROOM TWO 11' 6" x 6' 7" (3.51m x 2.01m) With UPVC double glazed window and a central heating radiator.
BATHROOM With a low level W.C, panelled bath with an over head shower, wash hand basin and tilled surrounds.
OUTSIDE With allocated parking space.