2 Bedroom Flat for sale in Primrose Hill, NW8
Prince Albert Road, London, NW8£1,350,000
A delightful two bedroom apartment (806 sq ft / 75 sq m) set on the fourth floor of this prestigious block on Prince Albert Road. This apartment features views towards Regent's Park from the reception room and further benefits include 24 hour porterage, passenger lift and a share of the freehold. Sole Agent.
IMPORTANT NOTICE - In accordance with the Property Misdescriptions Act (1991) we have prepared these sales particulars as a general guide. They are not intended to constitute any part of an offer or contract. We have not carried out a detailed survey, nor tested the services, appliances and specified fittings. All measurements, photographs, floor plans and distances mentioned are given as a guide and should not be relied upon for the purchase of carpets or any other fixtures and fittings. Details of lease, service charge and ground rent are given as a guide only and should be checked by your solicitor prior to exchange of contracts.