Accommodation comprises:
Double glazed front door, tiled floor, radiator, plumbing for washing machine, leading through to the kitchen.
* BREAKFAST KITCHEN: 3.86m x 3.07m (12' 8" x 10' 1")
Range of attractive light oak shaker style units with curved corner units, electric oven and hob with stainless steel extractor hood above, breakfast bar, one and a half bowl single sink unit with mixer tap and drainer, inset ceiling lighting, radiator, tiled floor.
* LIVING ROOM: 4.5m x 3.86m (14' 9" x 12' 8")
TV aerial point, open plan staircase leading to first floor accommodation, two wall light points, radiator, double glazed sliding patio doors to rear elevation.
* ORANGERY: 4.04m x 2.67m (13' 3" x 8' 9")
Provided by an extension and currently used as a dining room and further sitting room with TV aerial point, vertical radiator, pelmet lighting, double glazed windows to rear and side, double glazed patio doors leading to the rear garden.
* BEDROOM ONE: 3.86m x 3.45m (12' 8" x 11' 4")
Double glazed window to the rear elevation, radiator, t.v. aerial point, aspect over rooftops towards the hills.
* BEDROOM TWO: 3.28m x 2.16m (10' 9" x 7' 1")
Radiator, Velux window.
White suite comprising;- panelled bath with electric shower over and chrome taps, pedestal hand wash basin with chrome taps, push button w.c., radiator, pat tiled walls, double glazed window to rear elevation.
To the front of the property is an enclosed garden area with wrought iron railings and gate and an outside store.
To the rear is a private garden, which is fenced and gated with a patio area, conifers and a garden shed. Also to the rear is an allocated parking space.
The tenure for this property is yet to be confirmed.