A stylish and modern two bedroom semi detached bungalow also benefiting from an enclosed front garden and spacious rear driveway.
Entrance hall
Built in storage cupboard housing the gas central heating boiler.Laminate flooring.Door to the lounge.
Lounge - 16' 4'' x 10' 8'' (4.97m x 3.25m)
Double glazed window to the front aspect.Radiator.TV & telephone point.Wall mounted gas fire.
Kitchen - 9' 0'' x 7' 10'' (2.74m x 2.39m)
Double glazed window to the front aspect.Fitted with modern wall and base units incorporating roll top work surfaces, single drainer stainless steel sink unit with mixer taps and tiled splash backs.Plumbing for an automatic washing machine.Built in in electric oven and hob with a stainless steel extractor unit.Breakfast bar.Laminate flooring.Door providing access to the rear.
Inner hallway
Doors providing access to all rooms.
Bedroom one - 12' 11'' x 8' 10'' (3.93m x 2.69m)
Double glazed window to the rear aspect.Radiator.TV point.
Bedroom two - 9' 9'' x 6' 2'' (2.97m x 1.88m)
Double glazed window to the rear aspect.Radiator.
Bathroom / WC - 6' 2'' x 6' 0'' (1.88m x 1.83m)
Double glazed window to the side aspect.Three piece modern white suite comprising of a low level WC, pedestal wash hand basin and panelled bath with a shower over.Heated towel rail.Linoleum flooring.
To the rear of the property is a spacious driveway providing ample off street parking.The enclosed garden to the front is mainly laid to lawn.