ENTRANCE HALL Upvc entrance door
LOUNGE/DINER 17' 0" x 10' 5" (5.20m x 3.20m) Good size room comprising: double glazed bay window, stone hearth with gas fire and fitted carpets
KITCHEN 7' 6" x 7' 4" (2.30m x 2.25m) Fitted base and wall units, fitted worktops, sink with mixer tap, fitted gas hob, double glazed window and lino flooring.
LANDING Fitted carpets and loft access.
BEDROOM 1 13' 10" x 10' 9" (4.24m x 3.29m) Double glazed window and fitted carpets
BATHROOM White bathroom suite comprising: low level w.c, hand wash basin and a panelled bath with a shower over. Tiled around the bath. Fitted carpets. Boiler.