Two bedroom ground floor flat with access to garden area from lounge. Modern kitchen and modern family bathroom. The property also has allocated parking. CHAIN FREE.
Communal Entrance
Secuirty door, carpet, painted ceiling,
Carpet, storage cupboard, entry phone system, coven, painted ceiling.
Lounge - 13' 4'' x 11' 4'' (4.06m x 3.45m)
Double glazed patio door to rear, carpet, economy seven heater, coven to painted ceiling.
Kitchen - 9' 6'' x 7' 4'' (2.9m x 2.24m)
Double glazed window to side, vinyl flooring, range of wall and base units with rolled edge work surfaces intergrating a one and half sink with mixer taps, integrated electric oven, hob, extractor fan, painted ceiling.
Bedroom 1 - 11' 11'' x 8' 11'' (3.63m x 2.72m)
Double glazed window to rear, carpet, two fitted wardrobes, economy seven heater, painted ceiling.
Bedroom 2 - 11' 8'' x 7' 9'' (3.56m x 2.36m)
Double glazed window to rear, carpet, economy heater, painted ceiling.
Family Bathroom
Tiled flooring, three peice suite comprising of low level WC, pedestal wash hand basin, panelled bath, part tiled walls, painted ceiling.