A beautifully presented and spacious flat close to the 'Outlet' village and easy access to town, good sized lounge with dining space, separate kitchen, good sized bedroom with recessed wardrobes and built in bedroom furniture, bathroom, UPVC double glazing, GCH.
Communal Entrance
A well kept entrance way at stairs lead to the flat with entry system.
Entrance hall
Doors to the lounge, bedroom and bathroom, storage cupboard.
Lounge/Diner - 18' 11'' x 9' 9'' (5.76m x 2.97m)
A good sized room with UPVC double glazed window to the rear, modern wall mounted glass and pebble gas flame fire, TV point, ample room for table and four chairs, archway to the kitchen, coving.
Kitchen - 9' 3'' x 6' 6'' (2.82m x 1.98m)
UPVC double glazed window to the front, modern fitted kitchen with eye and base units, integrated oven and electric hob, extractor over, 1&1/2 sink and drainer, plumbing for washing machine, coving
Bedroom - 12' 7'' x 10' 4'' (3.83m x 3.15m)
Recessed mirror fronted wardrobes, further range of wardrobes and bedroom furniture, UPVC double glazed window to the rear.
Modern white suite low level WC, wash basin, panelled bath with 'Triton' shower over, extractor and shaver point.
The communal gardens are neat and tidy with ample parking for all.
Currently the management charge is 1104 per annum (£92 per month) and a ground rent of only £50 per annum.